

PR and Marketing Strategy

7 simple tips to harness video for your business marketing

Video has taken over from reading as the way to discover brands. These 7 simple wins will help you turbocharge your video marketing


The four influencers on consumer behaviour

A marketing campaign needs to consider a range of factors to succeed with today's consumer.


Entrepreneur interview: Zarir Vakil, StepJockey

Former private equity investment director Zarir Vakil is now CEO of employee wellness company StepJockey. Here, we talk gamification technology, choosing the right marketing strategy, and how to reposition a company.


Here’s how pet tech firms are growing market share in the UK

Here, we talk to tech-focused pet companies Borrow My Doggy and Tails.com in the growing dog market.


Entrepreneur interview: Stephen Sacks – Founder of Funding Nav 

Stephen Sacks wants to help businesses find the right grants and funding for their needs with his advisory company Funding Nav.


Entrepreneur profile: Daniel Cray, co-founder of Phizz

Daniel Cray, co-founder of Phizz shares how the effervescent tablet is increasing sales through unlikely avenues.

PR and Marketing Strategy

SME marketing: balancing the short and long-term views

Rebecca Manville, the managing director of digital marketing agency Dotted explains how to balance long and short-term goals in your business.


How fear is a barrier to business growth

Claire Methven at the Marketing Centre on how you can overcome the fear of growing your business.


Interview: Lucas London, general manager of Airtasker

Airtasker is taking on the likes of TaskRabbit with its online noticeboard platform.

Growth Planning

The five most important foundations for scaling a business

There are lots of pressing issues to consider when you're planning to expand and grow your company.

PR and Marketing Strategy

Smart marketing tips for start-ups

When setting up your businesses, you need to ensure that you get te name of your brand into the brains of your customers. Here, we give you some top tips to excel in marketing your start up.

PR and Marketing Strategy

Common marketing mistakes that can spell doom

Marketing is a tricky beast to tame when it comes to business management. It is easy for small businesses to fall foul of these common marketing mistakes.