
Human Resources

Worried about attracting talent? Try a spiritual approach

A spiritual approach to people management can give workers a higher purpose and boost productivity, according to a new study. 

Human Resources

Human Resources

How to manage an increasingly flexible workforce

What are the challenges to flexible working, and how can they be managed? Dentons' legal expert Victoria Albon writes.

Human Resources

4 tips for studying part-time while you work

We all know the importance of a college degree. However, the burden of acquiring student loan debt is beginning to deter potential students away from the traditional method of going straight to full-time college directly after graduating high-school.

Human Resources

From Uber to Adobe: 15 lessons to get company culture right

Forget the short-term bottom-line. Poor values ultimately bring leaders and companies down, as shown by Uber's reputational crash-and-burn. Here are 15 positive examples to help you build a strong and lasting company culture. 

Human Resources

1 in 3 Brits want a robot boss

New research shows that one in ten UK employees think a robot boss would be more efficient than a human. 

Human Resources

Work With Me campaign challenges hiring bias against disabled people

New research suggests that disabled people who are unemployed and looking for work have lost faith with the recruitment process. The Work With Me campaign seeks to change that.

Human Resources

This new recruitment platform helps businesses hire for culture fit

Talent acquisition platform Talent Deck launches its technology into the UK recruitment sector that instantly matches tech talent with companies that share the same values and motivations.

Human Resources

Lord Sugar’s unconscious board room discrimination revealed

Lord Sugar once said he would think twice before hiring women who may be looking to start a family. New research now suggests that self-made millionaire is unconsciously selecting winners with the most attractive features.

Human Resources

This new recruitment platform helps businesses hire for culture fit

Talent acquisition platform Talent Deck launches its technology into the UK recruitment sector that instantly matches tech talent with companies that share the same values and motivations.

Human Resources

Lord Sugar’s unconscious board room discrimination revealed

Lord Sugar once said he would think twice before hiring women who may be looking to start a family. New research now suggests that self-made millionaire is unconsciously selecting winners with the most attractive features.

Human Resources

Are you paid less than your peers? An employee’s guide to bridging the gender pay gap

Peninsula's Kate Palmer explains what employees can do if they suspect they are being paid less than someone doing an equivalent job and how employers can protect themselves against legal action.

Human Resources

One in 10 LGBT employees are bullied at work; over half of UK employees are unaware

While over half of all employees believe employers should do more to support LGBT diversity at work, the research shows that not enough is actually being done. 

Human Resources

The 5 biggest career fears and what you can do about them

From fear of failure, to stress over being rejected by colleagues, here are the top five career fears plaguing UK employees today, and what can be done about them.

Human Resources

Why trust and accuracy are the keys to successful flexible working

Flexible working is here to stay, so businesses need to make sure that their HR systems are best adapted to accommodate their workforce’s changing expectations – or risk losing their employees to other businesses who already have. NGA Human Resources' Jon Gilbert writes.