1 in 3 Brits want a robot boss

New research shows that one in ten UK employees think a robot boss would be more efficient than a human. 

While 30 per cent of Brits expect robots will take their jobs in the next 15 years, new research shows that one in ten UK employees think a robot boss would be more efficient than a human.

According to the Bank Of England, up to 15 million jobs might be at risk due to robots, but a new survey today reveals that nearly a third of British workers would be happy to work for a robot boss.

The survey of 1,000 Brits by FreeAgent also found that 42 per cent would be comfortable taking orders from a non-human boss.
But UK workers aren’t just taken in by the managerial efficiency and clinical precision robot bosses may offer. 57 per cent believe that robobosses need to pay their dues.

In June this year, Bill Gates famously said that robot workers of the future should be taxed. While this is still up for debate, it would appear most Brits also agree.

However, on the contrary, 43 per cent feel that robot bosses shouldn’t pay tax as it would set a precedent, as other technology doesn’t get taxed like a person.

“Although it might be many years before we see physical robots taking over the workforce, many workers are already anticipating the changes that automation will bring in the years ahead,” Ed Molyneux, CEO and co-founder of FreeAgent said.

“The shifting landscape of AI and new technology will have a major impact on people in employment, but I don’t think that this is a gloomy outlook for the workforce. Previous research we’ve carried out has suggested that many employed people are keen to quit their jobs and start their own businesses. So as automation takes a more prominent role in the workforce, it’s likely we could see a self-employment boom in the future.”

“In this scenario, automation will actually be a major benefit for these new businesses, as technological advances will make business admin and data management much easier to manage than ever before.”


Praseeda Nair

Praseeda Nair

Praseeda was Editor for GrowthBusiness.co.uk from 2016 to 2018.