Lord Sugar’s unconscious board room discrimination revealed

Lord Sugar once said he would think twice before hiring women who may be looking to start a family. New research now suggests that self-made millionaire is unconsciously selecting winners with the most attractive features.

Lord Sugar made a previous faux pas by admitting to thinking twice before hiring women who may be looking to start a family. Now new research suggests that the self-made millionaire is unconsciously selecting winners with the most attractive features.

Recent analysis by White Glo found that Lord Alan Sugar could be unconsciously biased when deciding on which of The Apprentice contestants takes home his £250,000 business investment.

The analysis shows 83 per cent of the shows previous winners have white smiles, despite the fact that 64 per cent of the UK population complains of having discoloured teeth.

Further still, the research shows not a single previous winner of the show has what dental experts would consider bad teeth. From Tim Campbell in 2005, through to Leah Totton in 2013 and Alana Spencer in 2016, all have big bright smiles, making them winners from the get-go.

As 2017’s contestants have been announced, dental experts are making their predictions for this years winner and runner-up based on this hypothesis, with Anisa Topan, owner of a fashion PR agency taking the lead, followed closely by sweet company owner Sarah Lynn and recruitment firm owner, James White.

“Anisa’s straight, white teeth will unconsciously give her the edge over her fellow contestants and her warm smile could see her through to the final,” says James Buchanan from White Glo. “Both Sarah and James were keen to show off their smiles during the selection process, a factor which could see Lord Sugar demonstrate unconscious preferential treatment.”

“It is undeniable that smiling is one of the most powerful influencers, and is clearly an underlying factor in Lord Sugar’s final decision.”

Looking at last year’s series, Michelle Niziol was the first to hear the notorious phrase, “you’re fired”. While she failed to lead her team effectively, it is also noticeable that Michelle was lacking the signature white smile which series winner, Alana Spencer boasted, according to White Glo’s Dr Georgio Sotriopoulous.

“It is common knowledge that first impressions count, but with contestants on shows such as The Apprentice competing against other high calibre candidates, they need something to make them stand out. Projecting a glowing white smile exudes confidence, a feature which clearly wins Lord Sugar over,” he says.

Research from the dental experts also suggests that 40 per cent of Brits are too self-conscious to show their teeth when smiling, and increasingly, people seeking employment are whitening their teeth before interviews.

While Lord Sugar and his trusted aides will appear to judge this years 18 hopefuls on their business acumen and personality, these dental experts are backing the candidates with the pearliest whites.

Praseeda Nair

Praseeda Nair

Praseeda was Editor for GrowthBusiness.co.uk from 2016 to 2018.