4 tips for studying part-time while you work

We all know the importance of a college degree. However, the burden of acquiring student loan debt is beginning to deter potential students away from the traditional method of going straight to full-time college directly after graduating high-school.

Instead, more people are choosing to study part-time while they work. This learning strategy allows the student to pay for their college as they learn, avoiding the debt trap of student loans. However, many people find it challenging to balance both study and work.

Here are four tips that you can use to help you get the most out of your study time while you work a full-time job.

1. Prioritise daily tasks

Make sure that you understand what is urgent and what is important. Prioritizing your studies will help you keep your attention focused on the most important and urgent tasks that you need to complete. Make a note on your planning calendar of all of the dates for term paper submissions and projects and ensure you give yourself enough time to complete them.

2. Take a break every now and again

Don’t overdo it. Studying for too long in one single session will reduce your cognitive capacity. Take regular breaks during your studies. Research has shown that we are most effective for a 25-minute period before our concentration begins to taper. Work in 25-minute bursts with a five-minute break in between sessions.

3. The importance of planning

If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail. Planning is one of the core components of efficient time management. Without the right planning, you are like a ship lost at sea with no compass and no mast. In essence, you have no direction and your time will be consumed by whatever task is most important at that moment.

Time management planning starts with you daily, weekly, monthly, and semester or trimester study activities. Look at your calendar and plan your study time for each day. Include the date and time of the day and the hours that you will be studying. Be diligent with your planning and make sure that you do not over-commit to your study time and neglect your work responsibilities.

When you are planning your study time, remember to include enough time to eat, relax and enjoy your evening as well. Studying too hard for too long will end up with you burning out. Take a gradual approach to building your capacity to study. Start with an hour a day and increase it by 15 minutes every week until you can study in a three to four-hour session, with breaks of course.

4. Get professional help with your essays

If you struggle with writing, then you may find your essay and research papers difficult to complete. Spending valuable hours battling with your writing will slow down other areas of your studying and disrupt your study schedule.

You can use professional writing services to buy term papers and essays for your required coursework, saving you time and effort that you can apply to other priorities on your daily task list. 

In closing

Time is your most valuable asset while you are launching your career as a young adult. Learning to keep your focus at work, while studying your course material is challenging, but it can be done. Try out these four tips and note your results.

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