4 future automotive trends to expect from today’s IP data

From cross-poaching top talent from the tech sector to the latest in passenger safety, here are the top trends in automotive IP data analytics reveals.

An in-depth analysis of patents in the automotive industry reveals four key areas which will be the battlegrounds for innovation in the automotive industry.

The study, by CPA Global Innovation Intelligence Services, identified key trends in the future of automotive: developments in passenger safety, automotive communications, automation and in-car entertainment. The result will be more connected vehicles with enhanced driving assistance and improved safety.

The research also highlighted how automotive manufacturers and IT companies are actively recruiting innovators from each other. More than 20 named inventors on patents, referred to as‘patent superstars’, have transitioned from automotive to IT companies or vice versa since 2008, with the majority transitioning since 2011. Both IT companies and auto makers are determined to control the future direction of vehicle innovation.

The research was carried out with a patent search and analysis tool called Innography, which factors in all issued US patents from 1900 to present and all published patent applications since 2001.

Ideas have always changed the world, but the pace of change has never been faster, according Matt Luby, director and lead consultant at CPA Global. “The automotive industry is the epicenter of technology and innovation. Humanity has developed sophisticated vehicles that can respond to voice commands or be controlled entirely by an on-board computer. Automotive patents and ownership can provide valuable insight into future trends and the companies to watch,” he said.

“Navigating intellectual property in a space where industries are merging and inventors are being actively recruited can be challenging, particularly if you are looking to obtain insight from vast amounts of patent data.”

Using a data-led, visual approach makes it easier to gather commercial insights based on both historical and real-time trends to inform and guide R&D and IP strategies.

Praseeda Nair

Praseeda Nair

Praseeda was Editor for GrowthBusiness.co.uk from 2016 to 2018.

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