

Human Resources

Redeploying employees: the best people may already work for you

You may have the right people for those hard-to-recruit-for roles already working in your business. Here's how redeploying employees can give you a competitive advantage.

Legislation and Regulation

Minimum wage increases: What employers need to know

With the National Living Wage and National Minimum Wage rates set to rise in April, Raphael Prais, employment lawyer at LHS Solicitors, outlines the increases employers need to be aware of, and the potential consequences should they fail to adhere to the new legislation.

Growth Planning

The best places to work around the world and what they all have in common

According to new research, the best places to work in the world is mostly based on perceptions than facts. This infographic pegs national data, average annual pay, working days per year and other metrics agains the United Nations world happiness index to reveal the best places to work.

Human Resources

Study reveals first year employment costs almost double salary

The true cost of hiring staff is almost double their salary during the first year of employment, according to new research. Here's why.

Human Resources

The Modern Slavery Act: what is required of employers?

The Modern Slavery Act is a piece of legislation that has wider implications for employers than most realise: here is everything you need to know.


Employees regularly question colleagues’ credentials

Turns out your colleagues might just think you’re terrible at your job.


One in five women ‘hide family plans from employer’

More than half also plan to alter their career paths to accommodate children, according to YouGov survey.


Learning can outpace market change in growing businesses

Is the out-dated command and control style of management still holding some organisations back? Here, Ian Helps looks at the benefits of encouraging employees to think for themselves.


Is it fair to use zero-hours workers when expanding your business?

New report suggests 1.8 million firms used them last summer: but are controversial zero-hours contracts fair for the workers employed on them?


Employers set to be caught out by shared parental leave

Legislation coming into force in December regarding maternity leave is expected to catch businesses short, new research finds.

Human Resources

Don't be a horrible boss: Let your employees develop

Here's how to look after your staff better, from providing learning opportunities to giving new recruits time to adjust. 


Building on a year of ten times growth

As companies take on an ever more global approach, and encounter new obstacles, MOVE Guides is building out a proposition to take advantage of this and secure its own success.