
Business management

Articles and guides on effective business management and the processes of planning, organising, and and achieving sustainable growth.

Growth Planning

5 ways to break the constraints of change management

49 per cent of businesses are unsure where to begin with change management. If this is where your business currently is, here are five ways to break the constraints of change management from Applied Business founder and MD Martin Craze.


Time management tips that could help grow your business

The many skills that business owners need to help their business grow can be overwhelming. Here are some time management tips to help.


The art of delegation – the secret key to business success

Having to rely on another team member to handle important tasks can be difficult, however, learning how to delegate is essential to achieve success.

Human Resources

HR through the looking glass – transparency and the employer brand

Basil LeRoux, head of HR practice at executive search firm Berwick Partners argues that genuine transparency must start in the HR department.

Growth Planning

How to grow your business without losing clients

Karen Holden shares her experience in moving with the times while keeping existing customers happy.


Where do your most hated jargon phrases come from?

Have you ever been annoyed at a co-worker spewing business jargon in a meeting? Find out where some of the most annoying idioms come from.


Four tips to reduce costs of your catering business

Setting up a catering business can rack up high costs for the owner, here are some tips to help reduce the cost and make you more successful.

Human Resources

Cornerstones of effective organisational change management

Khaos Control's Andy Richley shares three ways to successfully introduce change management in a growing business.


The do’s and don’ts of naming your business

When you set up your business, one of the most important things is to get the name right. We take a look at how to go about choosing a business name and give you some inspiration from some of the most creative names in the country.

Human Resources

Boss’ bug bear: What you can do to win promotion or avoid a sacking

UK Bosses reveal shocking employee traits that can get you fired or get you closer to that pay rise.


Bad bosses: Poor management driving UK employees out of work

Bad bosses and poor management outranks poor pay, stress and commuting as biggest factor in people’s decision to quit.


How to overcome fear of change and increase business efficiency 

Phil Foster, managing director of Love Energy Savings outlines how business owners can overcome the fear of change and increase their business efficiency.