
Brand strategy

Articles and guides on how growth businesses can best utilise brand strategy to promote their unique value proposition and positioning in the market. Effective brand strategies should align with business goals, reflect the company’s values, and consistently reinforce the brand’s promise across all touchpoints.

Mergers & Acquisitions

Why brand is make or break for M&A success

Without a strong brand narrative, even the most promising M&A deal can falter, says Sally Bye, managing partner at Brandpie

PR and Marketing Strategy

3 ways to protect your online brand from cybersquatters

Lookalike companies stealing your online brand can be a problem, says Sarah Mountain. Follow these 3 simple steps to make sure you don’t get it wrong, like eBay and Gumtree

PR and Marketing Strategy

How to design a quality logo for your business in only 24h

Building an amazing logo and brand identity is now as easy as buying on Amazon

PR and Marketing Strategy

How to use webinars to boost brand awareness

Webinars one of the easiest and most effective ways to get your message across and they are especially good for lead generation. This step-by-step guide will help you boost your brand awareness

PR and Marketing Strategy

How to make sure your brand identity remains strong

The importance of continually tweaking your brand in a demanding world cannot be underestimated, says Mark Easby, managing director at Better Brand Agency


Ten tips for successful brand realignment in a multi-channel world

Ethology's head of customer experience says planning your company's new online strategy needs to be thought through carefully.

PR and Marketing Strategy

From packaging to Pinterest – what makes an effective brand in 2018?

Here, Lisa Desforges, strategy director, B&B studio, reflects on the recent shift in how brands communicate with consumers and the way they measure effectiveness, guiding you on how to make your brand more effective.


9 best practices for branding your small business with a domain name

Your website domain name is more important that you think. Here, James Cummings outlines the 9 things to consider when registering your website.

PR and Marketing Strategy

5 simple strategies to increase brand engagement in B2B marketing

Adzooma's Will Haswell offer tips and look at some tactics you can use to increase brand engagement in B2B marketing.

PR and Marketing Strategy

Can SMEs compete with big brands online?

The internet may be the great equaliser for businesses. While websites have revolutionised the way business is done, SMEs must remain nimble and respond to market trends to stay ahead of the curve in a crowded marketplace.


Research: Bad interviews can damage your brand more than you know

A new study reveals that nearly one in four British jobseekers sever ties with brands following a bad interview process.


Why your personal brand could make or break your business

As a business owner, you are at the forefront of your brand. Safwan Hak, founder of explains why your personal brand is a direct representation of your business, outlining six tips to get started.