

The Edge – embracing the next frontier of computing

Dave Ricketts, head of marketing at Six Degrees, discusses the future of computing for businesses.



Remote workers risk data breaches

More than half of UK businesses now offer employees the option to work remotely to improve work-life balance. However, with more people working on trains, cafés and other public spaces, cybersecurity has become more of a problem for employers.


Dating apps setting the agenda for digital innovation

Amit Jay Shah, CEO of HIROLA Group, explores how dating apps are on the cutting edge of digital innovation.


Taxing the robots – far sighted or fanciful?

Rohit Talwar, Steve Wells and Alexandra Whittington from Fast Future, discuss the potential to tax robots in the future.


Fintech is the cure to age-old business problems that plague SMEs

Here's how fintech is overhauling how businesses and consumers manage their finances. WorldFirst's Jonathan Quin writes.


4 ways to overhaul your security policies right now

Steve Schult outlines four ways to overhaul your business security policies right now.


The future of spending: How technology will shape how we pay

As technology makes spending money more and more convenient, we take a look at what the future holds for the consumer.


Penetrating the fog of cloud hosting

What’s the story with cloud hosting? Who’s it for? How do you choose a provider?


The future of spending: How technology will shape how we pay

As technology makes spending money more and more convenient, we take a look at what the future holds for the consumer.


Penetrating the fog of cloud hosting

What’s the story with cloud hosting? Who’s it for? How do you choose a provider?


Morning, noon and night; 7 ways AI could transform daily life

Rohit Talwar, Steve Wells, April Koury, Alexandra Whittington, and Maria Romero of Fast Future, discuss how AI will affect the future of business.


How can assistive technology support a student’s education?

Royal Blind, a charity that operates a blind school and care homes for the visually impaired, investigate what technologies can support pupils with complex disabilities, through their education when additional support needs are required.


Business by the year 2050: Robot co-workers and four hour days?

Findings of a new report that looks even further into the future and predict how the world of work and business will look in 2050.


What software do you need to grow your business?

Here, we look at how growing businesses can think smarter about the software they employ.