“Alexa, this is fantastic!” Rant & Rave integrates customer feedback for Amazon AI

Rant & Rave develops customer feedback integration with Amazon Alexa, making leaving reviews as easy as talking out loud.

Now consumers can tell brands exactly what they think of a product or service in real-time through Amazon Alexa.

This new development comes from customer engagement specialist, Rant & Rave, which has developed feedback integration, sitting within a brand’s skill on the device. The integration of Rant & Rave with Amazon Alexa means customers can share feedback quickly and easily in their own words through their Amazon Alexa-enabled device wherever it is located, be that a hotel room, retail store or airport lounge.

Customers using the feedback service will be asked to score their experience and then provide feedback in their own words.  Rant & Rave’s Sentiment Engine analyses the feedback in real-time, creating actionable insights which are sent directly to the brand, presented on an online dashboard, or directly into their CRM system, connecting the customer experience insights to the customer interaction history.

“This is a new era for customer service and it’s powered by immersive customer engagement; speed and convenience is everything for today’s discerning consumer. As a result, brands are looking for ways in which they can interact with their customers to find out how they feel in real-time, both positively and negatively, with a minimum amount of effort from the customer,” Kenny Bain, CEO of Rant & Rave said.

The company works with half of the FTSE including Barclays, Sky and easyJet, and with brands across industries, including hospitality, travel and tourism, retail, social housing and government.

According to Bain, these brands already know the importance of listening and acting on customer feedback and are already innovating with Amazon Alexa. For brands, this means customers voicing their feedback to Amazon Alexa, as they would to a friend or family member, providing valuable insight that can be acted upon. If they have just received first-class service from an airline or are impressed by the luxury of their hotel room, consumers can tell the brand in the moment.

“With this innovative solution, we are providing brands with an opportunity to show that they care what their customers think, that they are listening, and that they want to act upon their feedback,” Bain added. “At Rant & Rave, we believe we are living in the age of emotion. Consumers are emotionally involved with brands throughout their entire experience, even if it’s only through a ‘like’ or a ‘share’. In order to capture the true emotion of customers, brands need to be engaging with them in those key moments; when they’re pleased, excited, disappointed, angry – it’s all vital feedback that they need, and want, to receive in order to analyse insights and make improvements.”

This announcement comes off the back of another new development for Amazon; Alexa will be integrated into the Amazon Shopping app for iOS. This brings Alexa to iOS users on Apple mobile devices to use on the go, who can now speak to Alexa to manage their devices and purchases while away from their homes.

Praseeda Nair

Praseeda Nair

Praseeda was Editor for GrowthBusiness.co.uk from 2016 to 2018.

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