Tech Innovators 2015: Fortress Innovation

Fortress Innovation are one of our top 20 Tech Innovators for 2015.

Fortress Innovation are one of our top 20 Tech Innovators for 2015

Presenter: S. Hoon Yoon

Job title: COO

Based in: Seoul, Korea

Founded in: 2013

No. of Employees: 4

S. Hoon Yoon

Established new electronic trading desks for firms like Salomon, Merrill, Bear, Knight, Samsung, and Dresdner. Worked as think tank and consultant at Samsung SDS and Accenture. Well versed in developing cost effective trading venues, compliance, and RM structures for institutions. Responsible for One-Stop-Shop and developing the overall firm’s strategy.

Recent Milestones

  • Selected as a strategic KAIST partner (* see Alliances below for info on KAIST)
  • Excel Booster completion & Patent Received
  • Proof of Concept at #2 & #3 local insurer

Upcoming Milestones

  • Regulatory Change
  • Variable Annuity Calculator sales to #2 & #3
  • Multiple other VA & DH from foreign Life insurers contact

Background Profile

Fortinno was established to aid life insurers to new regulatory requirement. To this end we have developed automated conversion from Excel VBA to GPU Parallel computing Code to reduce cost by 1/100th and speed up the processing. Based on this technology, we provide advisory, reserve calculation, and derivative trading services.

Recent Technology

  • Addition of multiple types like date format to Excel Booster
  • Provided more accurate & faster sensitivity calculation functions
  • Excelerated Excel Booster & auto translate VBA to Intel’s AMP C++ function added


  • Excel booster
  • Excel VBA to GPU translator
  • Reserve & Greeks (sensitivity) Calculator for Variable Annuity Life Insurance Product (GMxB)
  • Dynamic Hedge Desk Services
  • Asset Management/Trading Desk for Greeks via Derivative Product


  • KAIST – Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (Top Institute of Technology in Korea)


  • Ki-Hong Joo

Contact details

Postal address: F543 KAIST Munji Campus 193

Munji-ro, Yuseong-gu Daejeon, Korea 305-732

Tel: +82 42 864 1227



Praseeda Nair

Praseeda Nair

Praseeda was Editor for from 2016 to 2018.

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