Tech Innovators 2013: Mediamano

The UK and Spain both have highly motivated and creative workforces – something Mediamano is taking advantage of.

To follow on from our maiden Tech Invest event, we’ve profiled some of the most exciting technology companies in the UK.

GrowthBusiness has now produced a new 2014 version of Tech Innovators, where we have again profiled some of the best technology ventures in the UK through interviews with founding entrepreneurs.



Based in: Madrid and Winchester

Founded in: 2011

No. of employees: 6

Company founder: Mike Beattie

Founder profile:

Mike Beattie is the founder and CEO of Mediamano. Formerly a BT executive, he is now a technology entrepreneur – Mediamano being his second venture.

Background business profile:

Mediamano provides software to simplify the task of producing and managing professional video. When clients implement the company’s software, they get significant improvements in productivity (fewer people) and quality (fewer errors).

Inside track:

With the use of video on the rise not only in the social media space, but also in publishing, Mediamano has been founded to speed up the process.

Founder Mike Beattie had already forged out a successful corporate career before deciding that he had identified a gap in the market for managing videos.

At the moment Beattie is dividing his time between two businesses: Mediamano and Sepormo – a mobile payments company based in Spain and operating in Iberia and Latin America.

‘I do imagine that I’ll naturally migrate from one business to the other,’ Beattie explains. ‘At the moment we do have an offer for a trade purchase of the company, which we said we’d look at, but I’d prefer not to take it.’

Building the business in Spain and UK has had its advantages, Beattie reveals. ‘Of the five developers we have here [Madrid], three of them are 23 years old and have just graduated.

‘It is fantastic building this business in Spain. With cheap talent, it is still a low-cost country.’

Funding is on the agenda for Mediamano to help with getting the technology more productised. It centres on making sure that it is easy to implement for users, taking away any complications that exist.

‘You need market penetration really. Almost every single company which has done well has done so because they’ve had resources.

‘We need to focus on getting resources into the company, rather than just looking at the product.’

Recent milestones:

  • Major implementation with a global leader in news
  • Significant subsequent work with that client
  • Major implementation with global leader in sports coverage

Upcoming milestones:

  • Appointment of business development director
  • OEM deal with major video server vendor

Recent technology:

Mediamano is able to take videos from websites and put them directly onto video servers for editing/broadcast. This apparently simple job is tremendously complex for news organisations, and the company resolves it with just one click


  • Imminent contract with video server vendor


  • Owner/CEO capital of £250,000

See also: 25 of the most exciting fast growing technology companies in the UK

Hunter Ruthven

Hunter Ruthven

Hunter was the Editor for from 2012 to 2014, before moving on to Caspian Media Ltd to be Editor of Real Business.

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