


Technology is the secret to happy and productive employees

It appears the workplace is reaching a tipping point. Employees have seen first-hand the ways in which technology can make their work better, and a keen to use the latest advancements to be more productive


7 reasons to move your small business to Office 365

Business tech plays a huge role in the day-to-day running of your company – Office 365 from Microsoft has a host of features which can help.


Growth businesses face skills shortage when it comes to new technology

One fifth of staff say they don’t feel equipped to employ the latest technology


Growth in 91% of companies held back by technology issues

Data security worries, lack of budget and skills shortages alarm company bosses


Local experts are the secret weapon for SMEs to achieve global success

Here, Luke Smith, co-founder and CEO of marketing agency Croud, explains the key things to consider to make your overseas business a success.


Five technology trends that have shaped businesses in 2018

Technology is continually reshaping all aspects of our lives, from the ways we work to how we communicate – and it’s revolutionising our approach to business, too. Such developments in technology can provide exciting opportunities for businesses, and it is important to grab these opportunities to steal a march on the competition while you still can.


Location based technologies: How they can assist business growth

From retail to insurance, location based technologies are shaking up a range of sectors. Here, we look at how growing businesses can benefit.


Entrepreneur interview: Santosh Sahu, CEO of On the dot

The CEO of On the dot, Santosh Sahu, believes his delivery service can succeed where UberRush and Jinn failed.


Interview: Robbie Morris, CEO and founder of Two-Up Digital

A company exit was the cue for Robbie Morris to launch his own sports betting agency, which aims to improve how betting company's engage with their users.


Why too much funding at the start can be bad for business

Not getting a huge cash injection at the start of your businesses life can prove to be a blessing. Christine Thoma, head of strategy at ZEAL Investments explains.


Top five technology trends in business in 2018

Technology has become such a big part of everyday business life. All aspects of running a business are maintained by more advanced tech. Here, we give our top five technology trends for 2018.


What do the biggest tech companies have planned for 2018?

Technology industry leaders by revenue, such as Apple, Samsung, Amazon and Alphabet (Google) have big plans for 2018, with tech that will change the environment for consumers and investors alike.