
SME lending


More Brexit blues – growth businesses that borrow from EU perform better

Companies that use European Union loans outperform privately funded peers


Scaling your business? Come to the Business Funding Show ’19

Event expected to attract 60 exhibitors offering all types of debt and VC funding.


Starling Bank raises £75m to fund expansion

Challenger bank already has 30,000 small business accounts.

Alternative Finance for Business

Cash raised by European SME direct funds falls by one third

Investors place €22bn in 19 direct funds for European business in 2018

Alternative Finance for Business

Online platform launches to help companies raise finance

Companies can borrow up to £2m to grow their businesses


One third of SMEs say funding will get more difficult post Brexit

Demand for external funding drops as businesses sit tight

Alternative Finance for Business

One of the biggest banks in the world is lending to SMEs in the UK

French banking group is delivering business loans to ambitious UK firms.


Commercial credit data sharing scheme – transforming SME lending

SME's can now get a loan faster and potentially at more competitive rates.

Alternative Finance for Business

KPMG launches finance option for SMEs

KPMG has launched a new financing option for small and medium-sized businesses looking to raise debt finance up to £10 million.


Beechbrook Capital closes £100m SME credit fund

Inaugural fund will support businesses with turnover between £10m and £100m


European Investment Fund and fintech lender iwoca sign €60m deal to fund UK small businesses

Organisations team up in the hope of giving more than 3,000 British small businesses access to finance.


Show SME the money: Are you aware of your funding options?

For all the talk of SMEs being the engine room of the UK economy, getting funding is still not as easy as some would like: so how can you ensure you know all of your options to give you the best chance of success?