

Articles on effective business partnerships and how they can leverage complementary strengths, resources, and expertise with other entities, such as suppliers, distributors, or even competitors. Partnerships can take various forms, including joint ventures, strategic alliances, or supplier relationships, each offering unique benefits and risks.


Best practices for managing distribution partners

Companies that know how to manage distribution partnerships are one step ahead of the game. Here is how it can help your business.


Mutual respect: How partnerships can benefit your business

Discovering mutual respect for the businesses around you can open up new opportunities and revenue streams. We take a look at how to do it.

Mergers & Acquisitions

Why corporates are the new big investors in UK SMEs

Entrepreneurial companies have a lot more to gain by collaborating with corporates, including benefits of scale, regulatory pathways and access to new markets as well as finance.


Five reasons why business partnerships fail

Jaded entrepreneurs often tout that business partnerships are more difficult to manage than marriage. While around half of all marriages end in divorce, a staggering eight in ten business partners reach a bitter end. Here's how you can keep the friendly flame burning.

Growth Planning

Together we brand: how to foster success through strategic partnerships

Strategic partnerships can be a dream come true for both parties if done well: so how do you ensure you have a deal that works well for everyone?

Growth Planning

Partnering with larger businesses for growth

Building a high-growth business stage three: Choosing to partner with larger firms to collaborate on projects.

Venture Capital Funding

Investing in partnerships

Johnny Hewett, CEO at private equity firm Smedvig Capital, looks at management and investor relations and explains its importance in a cordial partnership.

Growth Planning

A buy-out lead to a breakthrough

Katie Small, managing director, Mercury West Associates Insurance Solutions, explains why buying out a business partner has been her best business decision.

Growth Planning

How to exploit knowledge transfer partnerships

Harnessing the talent of clever graduates can provide a business with a much-needed boost, so how can you exploit Knowledge Transfer Partnerships?


Precision partnerships

As Sir Alan Sugar showed in The Apprentice, even the most dictatorial leaders need trusted aides by their side.


How business partnership’s can boost sales

Matthew Crook, CEO of software developer SalesCentric explains how partnership, especially with powerful players in your sector, can pay dividends when it comes to sales.


Partnerships pay off for IFone

IFone, Morgan O’Rahilly’s mobile phone games developer and publisher, was recently crowned the second fastest-growing technology company in the UK.