

Human Resources

How incentive and reward schemes can motivate staff to go the extra mile

We take a look at how employee incentive and reward schemes will help your business to attract and retain staff

Human Resources

What motivates Generation Z?

Big bucks and flexible working top Gen Z’s 2018 motivation list, according to new research. Here's why.


How to create a happy and motivated workplace

Here are ten ways to create a happy and motivated workplace.


How to keep your staff motivated over the summer months

The summer months can be a difficult period to keep staff motivated and working. Here are some tips to help boost your productivity this summer.


Beat the boredom: How to keep your staff motivated

We all have days where you are so bored of work that you dream of finding something new; here is how you can fix that.

Growth Planning

Do motivational speakers help boost morale at work?

What are the benefits of hiring a motivational speaker for your workplace? Here, we investigate the upside for your business.

Human Resources

Are your employees motivated enough?

Cracking the whip to increase productivity may work for short periods of time, but it's not enough to keep productivity levels high over longer periods. Here's how to super-size staff motivation.


Eight in ten workers suffer from ‘seasonally adjusted motivation’ 

Large majority of workers believe their mood and motivation are adversely affected during winter.


Mastering motivation in management

If you want your business to flourish, it is vital you understand what makes people tick.

Human Resources

Running a motivation programme

Many philosophers agree that it’s impossible to change the nature of human beings. But if you can understand people’s motivational turn-ons, at least it's a start.

Human Resources

Motivating staff on a budget

Because of their very nature, small firms do not have the money to pay huge salaries. So how can you get the best out of your employees on a limited budget?

Growth Planning

Building a benefits programme for your employees

Rewards retain staff: hardly rocket science but an area that more and more fast-growing companies are paying attention to in the bid to hold on to their competitive advantage: their employees.