

“Management is the art of getting three men to do three men’s work.” – William Feather

Human Resources

What makes a good interim manager?

Unlike consultants, interim managers can implement change. However, given the current set-up of the profession, do companies really know what expertise they're hiring?


Democracy and business don’t mix

Big companies usually have a hierarchy with layers of execs between the boardroom and the customer.

Growth Planning

Using interim managers as post-deal reinforcements

Once the deal has been sealed, interim managers can ensure it delivers on its initial objectives, says recruitment specialist Archer Mathieson.

Company Flotations

Interview with Mears Group chief executive Bob Holt

Spectacular growth has catapulted Mears Group from AIM to the Main market, guided by chief executive Bob Holt. Andrew MacLeod reports.


Wish I’d known… Rich Ambler

Rich Ambler runs Brighton-based language training business Cactus, which provides courses in 25 languages in 45 countries with clients including Channel 4, Burberry and BT. He shares with GrowthBusiness some of the business and life lessons he's learnt along the way.


Workplace management software

The world of business software can be mind-boggling - a fact not helped by the proliferation of acronyms and jargon that mean little or nothing to the outsider.

Human Resources

Demand for interim managers ‘outstripping supply’

Interim managers have not been in such great demand since the height of the dotcom boom six years ago, according to a survey of 8,000 executives on the books of recruiter Russam GMS. The number of interims on assignments has risen by 5.1 per cent on the previous year, the research suggests.


Beating the Blockbuster effect

Dying businesses are interesting to watch. Remember the video chain, Blockbuster? Those punchy ads on TV where a singer would cry, 'Oh what a difference, Blockbuster video.'


Dave Brooks: What I wish I’d known

Dave Brooks is CEO of cakemaker Finsbury Foods. Since taking control in 2002, he has seen profits rise as a result of his hands-on approach to management and business.


Mark Smith: Focus on your own strengths

Chief executive Mark Smith joined email marketing specialist TMN Media in 2003, initiating a fierce acquisition strategy that culminated in the addition of online advertising agency EDR and market research company The iD Factor.


Overcoming fear of change

One man’s exciting challenge can be another’s nightmare. All too often that’s exactly how change is viewed by an organisation...


Failure is always a danger

I’m in a good mood this festive season, which is why I’d like to remind you that the odds of your business sinking or running aground are scarily high...