

Company Flotations

Interview with Mears Group chief executive Bob Holt

Spectacular growth has catapulted Mears Group from AIM to the Main market, guided by chief executive Bob Holt. Andrew MacLeod reports.


Wish I’d known… Rich Ambler

Rich Ambler runs Brighton-based language training business Cactus, which provides courses in 25 languages in 45 countries with clients including Channel 4, Burberry and BT. He shares with GrowthBusiness some of the business and life lessons he's learnt along the way.

Human Resources

Demand for interim managers ‘outstripping supply’

Interim managers have not been in such great demand since the height of the dotcom boom six years ago, according to a survey of 8,000 executives on the books of recruiter Russam GMS. The number of interims on assignments has risen by 5.1 per cent on the previous year, the research suggests.


Beating the Blockbuster effect

Dying businesses are interesting to watch. Remember the video chain, Blockbuster? Those punchy ads on TV where a singer would cry, 'Oh what a difference, Blockbuster video.'


Mark Smith: Focus on your own strengths

Chief executive Mark Smith joined email marketing specialist TMN Media in 2003, initiating a fierce acquisition strategy that culminated in the addition of online advertising agency EDR and market research company The iD Factor.


Overcoming fear of change

One man’s exciting challenge can be another’s nightmare. All too often that’s exactly how change is viewed by an organisation...


Failure is always a danger

I’m in a good mood this festive season, which is why I’d like to remind you that the odds of your business sinking or running aground are scarily high...

Legislation and Regulation

Small firms fall foul of management myths

A basic lack of knowledge of fundamental employment law could land growing businesses in serious trouble, warns legal compliance expert Croner, which aims to clear up the five leading misunderstandings that SMEs labour under.


Paul Woodmansterne’s challenge

Paul Woodmansterne inherited the family business with his sister and Watford-based Woodmansterne Publications has become a leading publisher of fine-art and culturally-inspired greetings cards in the UK. Founded originally in 1953 as a publisher of colourslides, the company introduced its first greetings cards in 1987.


The magnificent obsession

Obsessiveness plays a big part in momentum management. You can build a successful company, one that gives you a very good lifestyle, by working very hard for a few years. But if you are really going to blast your way through, being obsessed is probably essential.

Human Resources

Q&A: Autocratic management and bullying

What can I do if my boss is sarcastic and puts me down a lot in front of my colleagues? I'm not sure it constitutes bullying but it is really getting to me and affecting my work, which makes it worse.


Momentum management – Keep raising the bar

It's not unusual to want to keep improving standards, after all, the majority of people want to improve their living standards each year and hopefully, they see a connection between that and what they do at work. However, the school of momentum management takes that a bit further.