
Business strategy

“However beautiful the strategy, you should occasionally look at the results.” — Sir Winston Churchill

Growth Planning

Step back to strategise

John Cheney, chief executive of Workbooks.com, remarks that Beyond Performance, by Scott Keller and Colin Price, enables business leaders to step back and look at their business strategically.

Growth Planning

Key ingredients for a business strategy

David Crabb, MD of Cambridge Online, details how he developed a business strategy that is more than just ‘pie in the sky’.


‘What business are we in?’

It was Theodore Levitt, the Harvard Business School professor, who urged all companies to ask the question, 'What business are you really in?' Hewlett Packard must have asked itself the same question.

Growth Planning

Changing tack and making changes in your market

We all know that from time to time that a market in which we are very strong has its problems, and this can in some cases seriously undermine one's business.

Growth Planning

Business Startup: Mr Site reveals plans to eye the mid market

Clifford McDowell, chief executive of website business Mr Site, explains his strategy to shift the business from the value market to the middle market, and expansion into India and continental Europe.


Crafting a killer business strategy

What does strategy in business actually mean? There’s so much business babble out there on the subject, you’ll probably get 100 different answers from 100 different people.


Fighting short-termism

Short-term thinking is a natural consequence of recession. Simply put, you're focused on getting through the next week, not mulling over your ten-year plan.


Adrem: diversifying our client base

Tom Galvin, managing director of property maintenance provider Adrem, explains how a decision to branch out saved the company.

PR and Marketing Strategy

How to grow your market share

Even when you can't grow your turnover or profits, you can still aim to take a larger slice of a shrinking market. We look at tactics to win business from powerful competitors.


The business masters – A London Business School MBA graduate’s view

An MBA certainly isn't a golden ticket to success. Maybe it's more of a golden crowbar, says Mark Chadwick, co-founder of carbon offsetting company Carbon Clear and London Business School MBA graduate.


Building a business on the cheap

It may seem out of character for a venture capitalist to say this, but you don't need investment to create a great business.

Growth Planning

Why a global presence is vital

Simon Cook, the CEO of venture capital firm DFJ Esprit, looks at why you should maintain an overseas presence.