
Business management

Articles and guides on effective business management and the processes of planning, organising, and and achieving sustainable growth.

Growth Planning

Q&A with Kempton Park’s Amy Starkey

Racing is a competitive business, but by launching a new marketing campaign and promoting new business products, Amy Starkey, managing director of Kempton Park Racecourse, aims to lead the pack. She explains her business strategies in a Q&A with GrowthBusiness.

Growth Planning

Fast forward with interim managers

Northern Rock and a Staffordshire-based building services company appear to have little in common, but both have benefited from the specialist expertise of interim managers, writes Patrizia Rossi.


How to fight the recession

Tony Price, the interim CEO of leadership development organisation Vistage, argues that flexibility and innovation can be a better defence against the downturn than battening down the hatches.

Financial Management

15 management decisions to avoid in a recession

From crippling cost cuts to ill-considered discounting, Marc Barber speaks to CEOs and entrepreneurs to find out what you should not be doing in uncertain times.


Secrets of business success shared

There's no better way to learn how to be successful than hearing from those at the top of their game. Robert Tyerman speaks to some of the winners of the fourth annual Quoted Company Awards, organised by our sister magazine Growth Company Investor.


How to survive a recession

A recession can be like a volcano: to survive you have to move fast. As the economy becomes increasingly volatile, Ken Jacobson gives his take on what MDs, CEOs and owner managers need to do to keep their companies safe.

Growth Planning

Growing a business without compromise – Case Studies

A soaring headcount may be a symptom of success but it can also create some serious problems. Nick Britton asks leaders of fast-growing companies how they have expanded rapidly without sacrificing the culture that made them successful in the first place.


Living in denial

Success breeds confidence, but you need to be sure that pride doesn’t overwhelm your business acumen. Many good careers – and fortunes – have been ruined by an inability to accept reality.


Stages of business growth

Building a business is a unique journey because the operation you run evolves through so many different stages - until you stand back from the cash flows, contracts, and strategies, you often can't recognise at what stage your venture is.

Financial Management

Company turnaround tricks

As every entrepreneur knows, growing a company is fraught with perils. Your business model, for instance, might have worked well up to a certain stage of development, but may prove woefully unsuitable at the next one. Key customers or suppliers may let you down.

Venture Capital Funding

Business Turnarounds: rising from the dead

Alchemists of old used to try to turn lead into gold, but latter-day exponents take businesses on their death-beds and nurse them back to rude health, says Elderstreet Investments boss Michael Jackson.


Peninsula: Job Done

Having built a thriving betting shop business, Peter Done changed tack and took on employment consultancy Peninsula. He eventually turned the company’s fortunes around, but sailed close to the wind on many occasions.