A quick SEO guide for Forex companies

SEO is the best option for improving online traffic and this quick guide highlights the key areas to focus on for any Forex firm.

Search engine optimisation (SEO) is a vital course of action that any business with a website must take to increase its visibility and potential customer base. For forex companies, it is incredibly useful to improve your website and business’ performance in what is now a highly competitive market. SEO is the best option for improving online traffic and this quick guide highlights the key areas to focus on for any forex firm.

Targeting keywords

Keywords are an essential part of any SEO strategy, but it will only be successful if the right ones are targeted. Thorough keyword research must therefore be undertaken before you begin populating or improving the content on your site. Expert and specialist digital marketers can be hired to help with research and find the most appropriate keywords to use.

Alternatively, if you are looking to do it yourself then this is possible. There are obvious keywords to target such as ‘forex’, ‘FX’ and more, but for a smaller Forex firm you may be better looking at more long tail keywords. This can be a more successful strategy for driving traffic in a market where popular keywords such as ‘Forex’ will already gain millions of results.

Increasing links and authority

Links are the streets between pages and used by search engines to see how pages are related. Complex algorithms are used to determine the trust and authority of a site, as search engines assign value to each link.

The more popular a site is, the more links it will have going to and from it. These need to be quality links to help your site and business grow though, and building up link partnerships is a good strategy to achieve this. Within the world of forex, linking to financial news sites is a good idea, as is submitting content to decent financial blogs which link back to your specific pages.

Search engine tools

There are many excellent SEO tools which your business can use to improve its SEO for Forex businesses, many of which are available for free and provided by search engines themselves. For example, Google Keyword Planner is not the most accurate tool but it is extremely easy and useful for small businesses to use.

There are a range of sitemap generators, crawling tools, web scrapers, prospect analysis and many more tools available online. Most come with instructions of how to use them and can be applied to forex websites in the same way they are to any others.

Tracking success

Once you have put in place a SEO strategy for your Forex site, there’s still plenty to do. Keywords, traffic, Google actions and rankings are constantly changing, so it is important to assess what effect this is all having on your site. It may be that certain keyword targets are not having the desired effect or new ones are cropping up.

Or if the SEO plan is a success then it could be time to expand on it. Going international is a popular choice, targeting an audience in specific regions or countries, which requires further research and planning. Delve into SEO to improve the performance of your Forex business.

Ben Lobel

Ben Lobel

Ben Lobel was the editor of SmallBusiness.co.uk and GrowthBusiness.co.uk from 2010 to 2018. He specialises in writing for start-up and scale-up companies in the areas of finance, marketing and HR.

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