
Alternative Finance for Business

How the Bank Referral Scheme is helping UK businesses

The Government-mandated Bank Referral Scheme requires the major banks to refer their rejected business loan applicants to three specifically designated finance platforms, one of which is Funding Options. CEO Conrad Ford explains how this scheme could boost UK's business landscape.

Alternative Finance for Business

Alternative Finance for Business

There’s more to alternative finance than crowdfunding

Crowdfunding isn't all that alternative finance has to offer, writes Funding Options CEO, Conrad Ford.

Alternative Finance for Business

Early-stage businesses to outpace listed companies in growth next year

A new report from Syndicate Room projects a relatively rosy 2017 for early-stage companies and those who invest in them. The biggest barrier to investment, however, remains a lack of access to information.

Alternative Finance for Business

Credit unions v affordable loan schemes

Credit unions and affordable loan schemes can provide employees with an alternative to expensive payday loans and other forms of credit. But which scheme is best for your business? Connected Benefits' Richard Ellis explains.

Alternative Finance for Business

Experiential fitness: WeTRAIN launches a £600K campaign

Browse, book, share and split gym costs with a new 'Airbnb-style' app, fundraising on Seedrs.

Alternative Finance for Business

Is it too early to benchmark success in equity crowdfunding?

A new report sets the benchmark for success within the equity crowdfunding model. While the number of companies that are deemed crowdfunding success are yet to stand the test of time, the fragmented nature of the industry suggests the urgent need for standardisation going forward.

Alternative Finance for Business

How to manage a seasonal business

Managing a seasonal business can be challenging. Funding Options CEO Conrad Ford outlines how to plan ahead for the busy period, prepare for the off-season, and manage your finances throughout.

Alternative Finance for Business

‘Neo-bank’ start-up reaches 100K customers

Pockit is now the first 'neo-bank' in the UK to hit the 100,000 customer milestone, overtaking three of its industry peers, Monzo, Atom and Tandem – combined.

Alternative Finance for Business

How to manage a seasonal business

Managing a seasonal business can be challenging. Funding Options CEO Conrad Ford outlines how to plan ahead for the busy period, prepare for the off-season, and manage your finances throughout.

Alternative Finance for Business

‘Neo-bank’ start-up reaches 100K customers

Pockit is now the first 'neo-bank' in the UK to hit the 100,000 customer milestone, overtaking three of its industry peers, Monzo, Atom and Tandem – combined.

Alternative Finance for Business

Manufacturing SMEs forced to hold onto nearly £5bn in unsold stock

According to ABFA, money tied up in unsold stock is money that could have been used for business development or R&D.

Alternative Finance for Business

Breaking down invoice finance

Funding Options founder and CEO Conrad Ford strips away the jargon surrounding invoice finance, explaining when and why you may need these solutions when growing your business.

Alternative Finance for Business

The world’s first robot chef is crowdfunding

The robot kitchen that cooks, serves and cleans up after itself is crowdfunding on Seedrs for an early launch in 2018.

Alternative Finance for Business

Fan-funded start-up Vibe Tickets raises £600K

Virgin Media Business VOOM finalist Vibe Tickets turns to fans for equity crowdfunding campaign.