

Titans of tech: Why UK tech companies are in the lead

With UK tech companies on the growth fast-track, Ashfords LLP's Chris Dyson examines whether these businesses can become the next global titans of tech.



How to dress to impress for a big pitch

When you are preparing your business pitch to investors, you often overlook how you dress. Here we look at how to dress to impress for your pitch.


10 of the most cringe-worthy cultural mistakes to avoid overseas

A new study reveals embarrassing cultural mistakes Brits make overseas and top secrets for surviving your next business trip.


Rewards4Racing’s Josh Apiafi on disrupting the horseracing industry

The sport of kings has been through a torrid few years, with owners and breeders feeling the financial crunch, but Josh Apiafi thinks he has found the solution with Rewards4Racing.


10 business leaders share their secrets to success

Ahead of the 13th season of hit TV show, The Apprentice in the UK,ten business leaders share their secrets to success.


The 10 most important habits of successful entrepreneurs

Here's how the top ten habits highly successful entrepreneurs have in common can catapult your career.


Dappad founder Erika Nilsson-Humphrey braves Dragons’ Den

Erika Nilsson-Humphreys, founder of online personal stylist company, Dappad uses Dragons' Den experience for growing the business on her own.


Angela De Souza: What I wish I’d known starting my business from home

Women's Business Club founder Angela De Souza shares her top tips on starting up a business at home.


Dappad founder Erika Nilsson-Humphrey braves Dragons’ Den

Erika Nilsson-Humphreys, founder of online personal stylist company, Dappad uses Dragons' Den experience for growing the business on her own.


Angela De Souza: What I wish I’d known starting my business from home

Women's Business Club founder Angela De Souza shares her top tips on starting up a business at home.


What to do when crises hit your business…

Business’ crises are often derived from circumstances outside of the company’s control. What should you do to save your business?


How to win in life and business: Formula One legend Nick Fry

Formula One superstar Nick Fry outlines the biggest lessons he learned in his 40-year career on how to win consistently.


You’re fired! The rise of The Apprentice’s Lord Sugar

The rise of Lord Alan Sugar: the story of one of Britain’s most influential businessmen, from humble beginnings to The Apprentice.


British Polyglot Olly Richards being multilingual post-Brexit

If Britain wants to stay ahead of the game in the current political landscape, we need to replenish our supply of skilled foreign language speakers, says British polyglot.