
Praseeda was Editor for GrowthBusiness.co.uk from 2016 to 2018.


Can technology break the barrier of silence?

Technology has the power to unite and divide us, but can it break the barrier of silence? Vitamin London's Jacob Beckett explores.


Secret confessions of a homeworker: How flexible is working from home?

We’ve all heard the myths about what ‘working from home’ really means; here, real home-based workers share their stories with Sylvia Schwartz, manager at Company Address.

Human Resources

Breaking through the ‘grey’ ceiling

By 2026, there will be nearly 20 per cent more people over the age of 65 in the UK. How can businesses support older employees, and how can people over 65 break the grey ceiling? Experis UKI MD, Geoff Smith writes.

PR and Marketing Strategy

Going solo – how to make the most of exhibitions, expos and trade shows

What you can do when you have no choice but to attempt exhibitions, expos and trade shows alone?

PR and Marketing Strategy

From the first ever YouTube video to now: How video became the dominant platform online

When co-founder Jawed Karim first uploaded his video, 'Me at the zoo' in 2005, YouTube was in its infancy. Now it's a staple for video content creators.

Human Resources

Static at 14 per cent: “At current rates, we’ll never close the gender pay gap”

Fawcett Society research based on ONS figures reveals that the UK gender pay gap has been static for three years. Improving our performance on gender equality in the workplace could increase GDP by £150 billion, yet this is an untapped opportunity as lazy stereotypes and harassment and discrimination against women remain all too real.

Growth Planning

5 ways to break the constraints of change management

49 per cent of businesses are unsure where to begin with change management. If this is where your business currently is, here are five ways to break the constraints of change management from Applied Business founder and MD Martin Craze.


Is AI too focused on eliminating human interactions?

Bot design shouldn’t always result in eliminating human interactions, says Saberr CEO Tom Marsden. Here's why.

Financial Management

Card payment surcharge ban: How will it affect your business?

In an unprecedented move, the government announced that from January retailers will be banned from charging customers fees to use their credit or debit card at point of purchase. What does this mean for your business? Mark Latham, director at Handepay, explains.

Social Media

Twisted: Why a social media channel is turning ‘likes’ into bites with a new restaurant

Social media channel Twisted will launch delivery-only restaurant during London Food Tech Week.

Human Resources

Is it time to ditch performance review KPIs?

Do KPIs and annual reviews need a complete overhaul? If we want better outcomes from our people, let’s bring conversation back into performance review, argues Aurecon’s Jeanette Sanderson.

Financial Management

The 2008 financial crisis revisited: “Fraud and overconfidence” to blame, say experts

A decade on from the onset of the 2008 global financial crisis, Chicago Booth’s Initiative on Global Markets asks scholars in US and Europe to rank the factors contributing to the global meltdown and how we can collectively avoid another crisis of its magnitude.