
Praseeda was Editor for GrowthBusiness.co.uk from 2016 to 2018.


How will the promised 17% corporation tax rate affect the UK

From 2020 the corporation tax rate in the UK will be 17% which means a genuine tax cut for businesses.|From 2020 the corporation tax rate in the UK will be 17% which means a genuine tax cut for businesses.


6 traits of highly likeable people (and how they make it work in business)

If you have ever wondered why some people just seem to float through life with the spotlight and vanity fan on them at all times, observe how they behave. These are the top traits of highly likeable people, and how they hone their skills.


Five reasons why the Queen is good for UK business

The royal effect: China's shopping habits are strongly influenced by the Queen and the royal family|The royal effect: China's shopping habits are strongly influenced by the Queen and the royal family

Growth Planning

Is office design a boardroom issue?

An increasing number of C-level executives regard office design as a vital cost-saving and productivity boosting issue, according to Jitesh Patel, CEO of Peldon Rose.


Investor communications 101

How to keep your investors informed, involved and up-to-date, according to Alister Esam, founder of eShare


Are business banking customers missing out on a competition review?

Transparency clearly isn’t in a bank’s economic interests, writes Alex Hunn, founder and chief executive of freemarketfx

Human Resources

Three ways to help your employees cope with workplace stress

As we march into Stress Awareness Month, Richard Ellis, marketing director of Connected Benefits outlines ways to counter this modern malady |As we march into Stress Awareness Month, Richard Ellis, marketing director of Connected Benefits outlines ways to counter this modern malady 


Custom apps: Are they right for your organisation?

The anytime, anywhere nature of the mobile workforce has changed how companies communicate and collaborate. FileMaker's Andrew LeCates outlines what to consider if a custom app is for you|The anytime, anywhere nature of the mobile workforce has changed how companies communicate and collaborate. FileMaker's Andrew LeCates outlines what to consider if a custom app is for you


How document storage services can help you get organised

Document storage might be your best ally when spring cleaning|Document storage might be your best ally when spring cleaning


HSBC commits £10b in lending to SMBs

With the rise of alternative lending options, banks are at the risk of being dethroned as leading business lenders for entrepreneurs. This announcement follows HSBC's plans to introduce a virtual platform that cuts business loan application and approval times in half

Growth Planning

Benefits of a garden office

If you’re considering an alternative workplace, you might want to pick up on the trending office spot for businesses today: gardens|If you’re considering an alternative workplace, you might want to pick up on the trending office spot for businesses today: gardens


Renewables deliver a fifth of all UK power, study shows

Green energy surpasses coal output in first quarter|Green energy surpasses coal output in first quarter