
Kirstie McDermott is Senior Content Manager, Amply at Jobbio.


3 open roles at companies with a great culture fit 

It's essential to balance culture fit with diversity and inclusion efforts to ensure a healthy and productive workplace.


3 jobs at exciting tech scale-ups

Smart workers are now looking at home-grown scale-ups - here are three tech scale-up jobs available now


3 unicorn companies hiring now

25 UK companies became unicorns in 2021 – the largest concentration of new unicorns to date


3 tech firms posting marketing jobs right now

Tech companies are hiring across digital marketing, content creation, ad serving, email marketing and SEO


5 companies looking for marketers right now

Marketing is more fractured, and yet more necessary than ever before, writes Jobbio's Kirstie McDermott


A guide to the Belfast tech hub

More than 25 per cent of all available jobs in Belfast are tech related compared to just 10 per cent in 2018


A guide to the London tech hub

More than a third of all Europe’s tech giants are based in London with the sector accounting for one in five jobs in the city


A guide to the Pennines tech hub

Thanks to a wealth of universities and financial services, the Pennines is a tech hub home to the highest number of fintechs outside London


Who are the UK’s next unicorns?

Jobbio's Kirstie McDermott reveals where the next unicorns are coming and how the UK shapes up against other parts of the world


A guide to the Glasgow-Edinburgh tech hub

Edinburgh is the most active tech community outside London with 31 per cent of its job roles in the tech sector, writes Jobbio’s Kirstie McDermott


Salary transparency – is it happening in the UK?

Over 80 per cent of US employers who carried out pay equity audits uncovered equity gaps in their organisations


A guide to the Silicon Fen tech sector

Cambridge-based companies are generating revenues of £46.6bn, with the city now home to over 5,000 tech companies specialising in biotech, AI and fintech.