So what is Web 2.0 anyway?

This handy jargonbuster explains what Web 2.0 is and how it might be relevant to you and your business.

This handy jargonbuster explains what Web 2.0 is and how it might be relevant to you and your business.

This handy jargonbuster explains what Web 2.0 is and how it might be relevant to you and your business.

The technical definition of the term Web 2.0 emerged from publisher Tim O’Reilly in 2004: ‘the business revolution in the computer industry caused by the move to the Internet as platform’. But with the phrase ‘cloud computing’ having since emerged as the preferred buzzword denoting the use of the internet as a computing platform, Web 2.0 is now more often used to describe a new generation of web-based services that allow people to interact, collaborate and share information.

Put simply, Web 2.0 replaces the view of a website as analogous to a publication, wherein a trusted source provides information to be consumed by the user, with one that sees websites as tools for structured interaction between people. ‘Social media’ is a common, perhaps more meaningful, alternative term.

Blogs, wikis, social networks, social bookmarking, news aggregation sites: the litany of tools that make up Web 2.0 are numerous, and they are constantly evolving and recombining.

The implications for business are numerous. For one, Web 2.0 changes the way customers interact with one another and that demands a change in the way business communicate with their markets.

A company website that is a simply an online product brochure is a wasted opportunity. More progressive organisations are using theirs to stimulate discussion and community around their brand, products and services, and are harvesting invaluable customer insight as a result.

And it doesn’t stop with the official company website: many organisations monitor and participate in external online communities, where consumers are sharing opinions and experience of the businesses they patronise.

Equally significant are the implications for internal collaboration. That workhorse of internal communication – email – is looking decidedly tired as more effective and more efficient communication and collaboration tools devised in the consumer realm work their way into corporate life.

Nick Britton

Nick Britton

Nick was the Managing Editor for when it was owned by Vitesse Media, before moving on to become Head of Investment Group and Editor at What Investment and thence to Head of Intermediary...

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