Win £500 of Amazon vouchers – Growth Business productivity survey

Help Growth Business identify barriers holding British business back

“While productivity isn’t everything, in the long run, it is almost everything,” said Nobel Prize winning economist Paul Krugman.

Poor productivity is seen as being one of the biggest (perhaps the biggest) economic challenge facing Britain. The UK lags behind G7 productivity by 16 per cent. This is the biggest gap with other leading western economies since modern records began in the early 1990s.

Dell has partnered with Growth Business to help you improve productivity and boost your bottom line: from productivity hacks and easy wins, how to better manage workflow, and which technology frees up your staff to be more productive.

Help us identify what’s holding UKplc back by taking part in this short survey.

  • Is your business productivity – or lack of – keeping you awake at night?
  • What’s really holding you up in getting things moving?
  • What’s your biggest business challenge over the next 12 months?
  • What’s the one thing you’d change to improve your company’s productivity?

Your completed survey will be entered into our prize draw to win £500 worth of Amazon vouchers.

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