How does VAT work, and other questions answered

A free online platform can help business owners crunch numbers and find experts.

For entrepreneurs who have ever had questions such as how does VAT workWhat are the pros and cons of leasing or buying equipment for my business, or what is invoice financing, a new online resource, Informi, may be the answer.

Informi includes tools to help find an accountant or bookkeeper, corporation tax calculator, budget spreadsheet template, cash flow statement template, petty cash log, and National Insurance calculator.

Information pages are organised by subject areas such as starting a business, managing finances, and the use of technology. Users can also join in the discussion through the comments sections and forums.

Informi product manager, Darren Nicholls, sees this as a solution for even the most confident entrepreneur, who may need advice and support from time to time. “Informi has been created to provide a central hub for information, tools and resources for individuals at any stage of running their own business.”

Despite the platform only having just launched, Informi has already been shortlisted as a nominee in the 2016 User Experience UK (UXUK) Awards for its user-focused digital and service design

Praseeda Nair

Praseeda Nair

Praseeda was Editor for from 2016 to 2018.