
The Apprentice


Does The Apprentice do a disservice to entrepreneurs?

Rajiv Nathwani, director and founder, Quivira Capital, explores the detrimental impact the show has on inspiring a new generation of entrepreneurs.

Human Resources

The Apprentice: Why honesty in business matters at every level

Last night's episode of The Apprentice was the much anticipated interview stage. Here's what businesses can learn from Lord Sugar's ritual of digging up dirt on the contestants.

Human Resources

The Apprentice: Why Karren Brady shutting down casual sexism matters

Last night on The Apprentice, Karren Brady took a no-nonsense response to casual sexism.


You’re fired! The rise of The Apprentice’s Lord Sugar

The rise of Lord Alan Sugar: the story of one of Britain’s most influential businessmen, from humble beginnings to The Apprentice.

Human Resources

Lord Sugar’s unconscious board room discrimination revealed

Lord Sugar once said he would think twice before hiring women who may be looking to start a family. New research now suggests that self-made millionaire is unconsciously selecting winners with the most attractive features.


The Apprentice: 4 business lessons you may have missed

Peninsula's Peter Done shares his four crucial business lessons from The Apprentice, ahead of the new season airing next week.


Dance school of Dragon’s Den fame now on The Apprentice

Swing Patrol MD, Scott Cupit, is the only entrepreneur to have his business appear on both of the BBC’s flagship business reality TV series.


Five reasons why The Apprentice is terrible for entrepreneurship

The BBC juggernaut returned this week for its 11th series: many believe it has been beneficial for raising the profile of entrepreneurship, but has it done more harm than good?


Time for ‘The Apprentice’ to decide its purpose

What started as a TV show attempting to find the next superstar of Alan Sugar's business empire has turned into a tit-for-tat 12-week cat fight culminating in an angel investment you'd never find in the business world.


The Apprentice: Best of a bad bunch

So Lord Sugar, or Sir Alan as he's otherwise known, has chosen his next business partner. But what do the finalists suggest about UK entrepreneurship?


Why entrepreneurs dislike Alan Sugar’s The Apprentice

Adam Grunwerg, founder of Graduates.co.uk, gives his take on The Apprentice and explains why it does little to represent what business is like in the real world.


Business TV shows unrealistic about enterprise

Entrepreneurial television shows such as The Apprentice and Dragons’ Den could be damaging UK enterprise because they promote ‘an unrealistic view’ of business, research finds.