In the aftermath of the earthquake and following tsunami in Japan, many people were left with no cash cards to access funds. Now, a Japanese bank is pioneering new technology which could prevent this from happening again.
Mike Lynch, the founder of one of the UK's most successful technology companies, Autonomy, is set for a £568 million payday after Hewlett-Packard agreed to acquire the business for £7.1 billion.
A decade on from the dot com bust, Notion Capital's Jos White says the big difference has been that the current generation of internet companies not only have huge user-bases, they also know how to create revenue.
Businesses should banish perceptions of technology as a bolt-on to existing processes and instead appreciate that it can actually distinguish a company.
The British Venture Capital Association (BVCA) has rejected claims that a second dot com bubble is developing, saying '2011 may be many things but 2001 Mark II it is not'.