


Entrepreneur profile: Evan Goldberg, NetSuite

Business management software company NetSuite was acquired by Oracle for $9.3 billion in 2016. At the SuiteWorld event in Las Vegas, GrowthBusiness.co.uk meets NetSuite founder Evan Goldberg and learns about the company's path to growth.


Oracle makes data management buy

Software business Oracle has agreed to acquire US-based Endeca Technologies, which provides data management, web commerce and business intelligence.
Round-up of today's M&A deals


Oracle Buys Ksplice for rapid Linux updates

Oracle Linux has been enhanced with Zero Downtime Software Updates following the acquisition of startup company Ksplice.
Round-up of today's M&A deals


Sun is profitable, says Oracle

Oracle says it has turned Sun Microsystems' business around in just one financial quarter.


Oracle to cull Sun employees

Regulatory filing reveals that the anticipated cost of the Sun Microsystems acquisition includes up to $650 million in employee dismissals.


Secerno acquired by Oracle

Technology company Oracle has agreed to acquire the firewall producer Secerno.


Oracle ponders AIM float

Pakistan-focused Oracle Coalfields is considering moving from PLUS-quoted to AIM after clinching two key agreements.


Oracle taps PLUS

Pakistan coal venture Oracle Coalfields is seeking £1.2 million on the reinvigorated PLUS. Entrepreneurs Shahrukh Khan, 35, and Conrad Windham, 23, have launched their 5p-a-share offer, with backing from small company investor Bruce Rowan and St Helen’s Capital as adviser.