

“Management is the art of getting three men to do three men’s work.” – William Feather


5 effective strategies for managing change in business

Oxford Business College's Sarwar Khawaja guides us through navigating change in your business, from vision to digital transformation

Legislation and Regulation

3 things you need to know about whistleblowing

Whistleblowing can be terrifying if you don't know your rights, here is everything you need to know about blowing the whistle.


6 ways to jump-start your business – how to cope when things go wrong

It’s easy to pretend nothing’s wrong when your business is veering off course. Businesswoman Haylee Benton shares 6 tips to ensure you steer your business away from any rocks

Growth Planning

What is OKR? – how to avoid the magpie effect when scaling your business

We’ve all done it. Been sidetracked by a new, shiny thing taking our eye off our real business objective. You need Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) to stay focused, says Roger Longden


Are you a Ma or Musk? How to fine-tune your management style

Deciding on a management style can be difficult - which one do you go for? I explore two different methods to help you choose.

Private equity

Interview: Tim Smallbone, Partner at Inflexion Private Equity Partners

The partner explains how the firm values companies, why some deals fail and how businesses are like Premier League footballers and teams.

Private equity

Why a good CFO is mission-critical in private equity-backed businesses

Miles Otway, partner at private equity firm Connection Capital explains why a CFO is essential for a company that wants PE backing.

Human Resources

Need to knows: Scaling up your customer service provision

Mandy Holford, director of customer service firm Echo-U, explains how company's can use technology without sacrificing on service.


How professional are you? How to make a good first impression

Ever wondered what kind of a first impression you make to clients or the impression you strike externally as the face of your own business? We guide you on how to be more professional.


Six management mistakes you SHOULD NOT copy from Trump

Management training experts at STL have taken a look into Trump's management style and found six mistakes business owners or leaders should not follow.

Human Resources

Managing introverts at work: 5 little-known facts

Decades worth of data from the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator assessment reveals a glimpse into what makes introverts tick.

Growth Planning

Profit over principles? Why we need to talk about the future of business

Business as we know it is set to change. One hundred years from now we will look back at the current UK PLC model and see things in much the same way we look at the workhouses of 150 years ago. Greg Secker believes in the near future businesses will be based on a model that balances philanthropy with profit. Bill Gates beats Ebenezer Scrooge any day of the week. In this article, the entrepreneur maps out some guiding principles that he says will shape business for the next few decades and beyond.