
International expansion

Growth Planning

Global expansion on a shoestring

British businesses don’t need to open an overseas office to start trading internationally. There are smart ways for companies to expand their customer base geographically without making a massive and risky investment.

Growth Planning

Golden rules for global growth

Follow these principles to ensure your international expansion is as trouble-free as possible.

Growth Planning

The complexities of cross-border deal-making – International rescue

High stakes, political intrigue, missing documents and private detectives. Tanya Nash and Martin Kitchen of Denton Wilde Sapte tell of the complexities of cross-border deal-making. Patrizia Rossi reports.

Growth Planning

British business in Brazil

Brazil is the world’s fifth most populous country, with a growing middle class, a stable government and world-class companies looking for foreign partners. We meet British entrepreneurs operating in Latin America’s largest economy.

Growth Planning

The importance of the feasibility study when expanding abroad

Overseas expansion reduces your overheads and allows you to drive your business forward. Or does it? Marc Barber examines how a feasibility study can minimise the risks when opting for foreign shores.

Growth Planning

Barriers to expansion

One might think that the confidence, even arrogance, of the British in the pervasive nature of our mother tongue would successfully see us through the maze of overseas expansion. In fact, in the minds of many of the UK’s exporters there are no barriers. However, because of Britain’s long-standing unwillingness to communicate in foreign languages we may be offending some clients and possibly ignoring others.

Growth Planning

GrowthBusiness investigates new emerging market opportunities in China, India and beyond

Swathes of UK businesses are shunning established overseas expansion routes and breaking new ground in emerging markets. So, beyond the headlines and the hype, do the tantalising rewards really outweigh the obvious challenges?

Growth Planning

Taking the hard road to China

Instinct told Doug Currie that expanding into China was the next logical step for Genesis Forwarding Services, the business he co-founded in 1986.