
Growth Strategy

Articles and guides on effective growth strategies to drive expansion, enhance shareholder value, and achieve long-term success.

Growth Planning

Thriving in a Downturn

Entrepreneurs reveal how they are minimising risk while also seeking to grow their businesses.

Growth Planning

Six obstacles to business growth

It is often said of start-ups that the first year loses money, the second year breaks even and the third yields a profit.

Growth Planning

Opening a second front

Many a business has lost its way as it opens in new locations, both in the UK and abroad.

PR and Marketing Strategy

How we doubled revenues in a year

It's every entrepreneur's dream. Three business leaders reveal how they supercharged their sales and doubled revenues in a year.


Breakthrough Clinic: Brandedmedia and the evolution of a growing business

While the start-up phase of a company's life can be make or break, the next step in the evolution of a growing business can be even tougher.


Converso Contact Centres grows from within

Dino Forte co-founded customer management business Converso Contact Centres in 1997 and this year he anticipates that sales will top £6 million.

Growth Planning

The challenge of change

Adjusting to growth is one of the most difficult challenges you face as an entrepreneur. You may have the traits it takes to make your business a winner, but you'll be the victim of your own success if you don't plan for the new world in which you find yourself when your efforts start to pay off.


Francis eyes Zenith renaissance

‘We were already in the nursery sector, but not in a big way,’ explains Ringo Francis, chairman and chief executive of cleaning products supplier Zenith Hygiene.


Stephen Archer at Spring Partnerships avoids complacency

Stephen Archer is CEO of business growth consultancy Spring Partnerships. Established in 2002, the company now boasts annual sales of £3.2 million and an impressive list of blue-chip clients, though reaching this level has not been easy.


Doug Richard: The Dragon roars

Doug Richard was stern and uncompromising during his stint on the BBC's Dragons' Den programme - qualities that have served the tech visionary well over the years, although his penchant for radical opportunism has been equally important.