

Exit Strategies

Employee Ownership Trust – another way for you to successfully exit

Why business owners planning to sell their enterprises should also consider Employee Ownership Trusts

Human Resources

Workplace pensions and keeping staff auto enrolled

As the increase in auto enrolment contributions to workplace pension schemes kicks in employers face a challenge in persuading employees to stay within the schemes. The benefits outweigh the time spent encouraging them.


Adapting to the AI opportunity

Changes will need to be made all the way through a business when it comes to AI.

Human Resources

Only one in ten say salary is most important factor

Harmonious relationships are becoming more important at work, research finds.


Are employee work methods changing with technology?

Modern technology in the workplace is revolutionising how productivity is impacting on businesses. We take a look at how technology is changing the workplace.

Human Resources

How can you protect your company when an employee goes rogue?

US President Donald Trump's Twitter account was temporarily deleted last night, apparently by a Twitter employee on their last day at the company. A legal expert explains how companies can protect themselves when an employee goes rogue.

Human Resources

The 5 biggest questions employees dread to ask

From pay rises to promotions, here are the top questions your employees are too afraid to ask.

Human Resources

Autonomy in the workplace: Are UK employees free to make their decisions?

A new study reveals that UK employees aren't given as much autonomy in the workplace as they'd like, which harms their productivity and happiness. Here's why.

Human Resources

Why cash is no longer key to retaining employees

Cash may no longer be king when it comes to recruiting and retaining your key employees says Genevieve Moore, a tax partner at Blick Rothenberg. 

Human Resources

Providing references for former employees: Everything you need to know

Providing references for ex-employees can be a drain on time and resource. Moorepay's Stephen Johnson explains what is acceptable to include and what can be overlooked.

Human Resources

Do you listen to the “employee voice”?

Top Left Design's Keren Lerner explains the importance of listening to an employee voice, particularly when it comes to marketing.

Human Resources

Deconstructing workplace happiness: foundations for sustained employee satisfaction

There may not be a one-size-fits-all solution for workplace happiness, but there are a few ways to make sure your team is motivated. Robert Half's Phil Sheridan writes.