


Open banking: six month countdown to an industry revolution

We look at how fintech firms and banks can prepare for when open banking comes into effect in six months, from open APIs to nipping cyber security issues in the bud.

Cyber Security

Are you ready in case of a cyber attack?

Cyber security has dominated the headlines in recent months with many companies declaring war on cyber criminals. But how can SMEs combat these unseen, unknown criminals?


Are weak risk policies to blame for ransomware attacks?

The recent ransomware attack on the NHS and over 30,000 companies globally has brought cybercrime to the top of the risk and news agenda. Experts from the Institute of Risk Management recommend addressing vulnerabilities within organisations to prevent similar attacks on such a global scale.


Why HSBC is banking on voice biometrics

Biometric authentication is often seen as one of the most secure ways to protect data while making it easier for users to interact with organisations. But is it foolproof? Here's why HSBC is rolling voice biometric authentication out globally.


The devil in the smartphone: Top tips to keep hackers out of your phone

Here's how to protect your business smartphone from ransomware attackers and hackers.


Is your business safe? 6 changes to consider

Business security is crucial when growing your business. Here are six changes to consider to keep your business safe.


Beyond fingerprints: why biometrics is here to stay

Over 600 million mobile devices worldwide will use biometric authentication by 2021, with the technology moving beyond just fingerprints, to include voice and facial recognition.


City workers notorious for “terrible social engineering”

Workers in London's square mile are more likely to lack the "softer people skills" that can prevent ransomware attacks, says Malwarebytes intelligence analyst Chris Boyd.


Ten tips to avoid massive data breaches

Employees pose a significant risk to cyber security, according to research Norrie Johnston Recruitment. In fact, 23 per cent of employees use the same password for different work applications and 17 per cent actually write these down. Here's how to keep your business safe.

Cyber Security

Why education is cyber security’s biggest hurdle

Why is education the big hurdle? Cyber security circles have long known that insider threat - that is, data breaches and leaks stemming from employees’ intentional acts or simply negligence - is the root of many evils.


Seven ways to protect your business from cyber fraud for free

Cyber fraud is big (illegal) business. The latest figures from the annual Crime Survey from the Office of National Statistics included new questions on fraud and computer misuse.|Cyber fraud is big (illegal) business. The latest figures from the annual Crime Survey from the Office of National Statistics included new questions on fraud and computer misuse.


More than half of all data breaches are down to human error

Cyberfraud is sector agnostic. Any business in any industry is just as vulnerable, if not more, to data leaks and fraud, which is why curbing tech naivety should be high on the agenda for growing businesses|Cyberfraud is sector agnostic. Any business in any industry is just as vulnerable, if not more, to data leaks and fraud, which is why curbing tech naivety should be high on the agenda for growing businesses