
Company culture

Human Resources

Turning the tanker: When strategy meets culture

Cornerstone OnDemand's Christine Chenneour on how to develop company culture to transform your business.


How can you foster a company culture that makes you attractive to customers?

In today's age of transparency, being magnified by mediums such as social media, there is a strong emphasis on values and ethics in terms of the way businesses are managed. Consumers are far more discerning in terms of their buying patterns and consequently will look at things such as a company's social conscience and what it stands for.


Turn your business’s coffee culture into a revenue stream

Coffee culture is something that seems embedded in all workforces now but by encouraging it on site rather than external coffee houses can you create a profit stream while capturing more of the best ideas? Nigel Crunden of Office Depot advises


Workers feel ‘mobile guilt’ over both personal and work calls

Taking work calls at home and personal calls at work both cause anxiety for Gen M workers.


How to grow your company culture from day one

Company culture is formed from the very start of a business's lifecycle: so how can you ensure you get it right from day one?

Human Resources

Developing a business culture to survive and grow

Cashflow and corporate structure are always going to be huge in developing your business: but if you ignore culture are you at risk of leaving the continuity piece behind?


6 tips to retain a start-up culture in a growing business

Growth in a business is always welcome, but how can owners ensure they retain the culture that made them successful in the first place? Talent Party CEO Ben Hutt gives his views.


More employees working through lunch breaks

Working lunches are becoming the norm, with employees depriving themselves of a total 7.3 million hours of downtime by cutting back on breaks.

Human Resources

Creating a great workplace

The Structure Group, a management consultancy specialising in energy and finance, was recently named the second best place to work in the UK by the Great Places to Work Institute. Senior director Jim Hayward explains why the company won the accolade.


Dressed for success

Despite a perceived trend towards dressing down, the majority of office workers still believe dressing smartly helps win promotions, according to a survey from recruiter Reed Employment.