

Growth Planning

Making an acquisition in China

As the price of gold reaches record levels, the markets have started to focus on the investment potential of mining and exploration companies. One concern that has doubled its share price in the past year is China Goldmines. Andrew Chilvers spoke to the company's chief executive, Frank Vanspeybroeck.


China outperforming US on AIM

Chinese companies are performing strongly on AIM, boasting average share price gains of 68.5 per cent, according to research by Growth Company Investor.

Growth Planning

China: the waking giant

China offers vast potential for UK companies considering expansion overseas – a massive consumer market, enormous manufacturing capability and economic growth forecast at over nine per cent for a decade ahead. And although expert guidance is still advisable, the country has shrugged off most of the bureaucratic, legal and cultural obstacles that previously barred the way.

Growth Planning

China: Know your market

It is often said that you can't do business in China 'by remote'. China is a market where it is absolutely vital to have people on the ground, representing your interests. Business is always done face to face, because in the Chinese culture trust is the foundation of all business relationships and you can only trust someone if you get to know them personally.


Investing in China: Carte Blanche

A combination of energy and work ethic attracted greeting card business Carte Blanche to China and chairman Stephen Haines has nothing but good to say about his experience of doing business in the country.


London Asia plans £50m fund

AIM-quoted London Asia Capital is floating China Education Group on OFEX and hopes to launch a £50 million private equity fund.

Growth Planning

Taking the hard road to China

Instinct told Doug Currie that expanding into China was the next logical step for Genesis Forwarding Services, the business he co-founded in 1986.