


Outbound deals drive China M&A

Chinese M&A has continued to grow through 2011, recording strong increases across outbound and domestic M&A.

Growth Planning

Eastern prospects: India vs China

With high-level British delegations having visited both China and India recently, GB details why there has never been a better time for UK exporters to explore the potential of these increasingly influential markets.


Drax powers Chinese investment

China's central bank has bought an interest in Drax Group, the owner of the UK's largest coal-fired power station, for £18 million.


Beautiful deal for Yangtze China

Yangtze China Investment, a company formed to provide expansion capital to China-based enterprises, has closed its first deal less than two months after its initial public offering on AIM.


WPP to strengthen operations in China

London-based marketing giant has agreed to buy a controlling stake in a digital agency in China.


Geo Genesis soars after PLUS float

A company which invests in and advises businesses in China has floated on PLUS. Shares in Geo Genesis Group surged more than 60 per cent to 56p on their first day of dealings and have increased further since the announcement of a partnership with a Chinese bank.

Growth Planning

How to sell to China

The potential of exciting growth for businesses selling to China is matched only by the legendary difficulty of gaining a foothold there. GrowthBusiness talks to enterprises that have overcome the obstacles and are reaping the rewards.


China VC market overtakes UK

For the first time, the venture capital (VC) market in China has overtaken that of the UK in terms of absolute size, according to data from research company Library House. Chinese companies received investment of over £1 billion in 2006, up 53 per cent on the previous year.

Growth Planning

Importing from China: the trust gap

Sourcing from Chinese manufacturers might be cost effective, but managing relationships with them can be tricky.

Growth Planning

Making an acquisition in China

As the price of gold reaches record levels, the markets have started to focus on the investment potential of mining and exploration companies. One concern that has doubled its share price in the past year is China Goldmines. Andrew Chilvers spoke to the company's chief executive, Frank Vanspeybroeck.


China outperforming US on AIM

Chinese companies are performing strongly on AIM, boasting average share price gains of 68.5 per cent, according to research by Growth Company Investor.

Growth Planning

China: the waking giant

China offers vast potential for UK companies considering expansion overseas – a massive consumer market, enormous manufacturing capability and economic growth forecast at over nine per cent for a decade ahead. And although expert guidance is still advisable, the country has shrugged off most of the bureaucratic, legal and cultural obstacles that previously barred the way.