


Not sharing the love: CEOs who have seriously fallen out with shareholders

Perceived wisdom says that CEOs are answerable to the board, who in turn speak for the shareholder: but this lot have other ideas.


Some people ‘born to be employers’, says Swimming Nature founder and CEO

Brazilian entrepreneur Eduardo Ferre speaks exclusively to Growth Business about succeeding despite 'some bad advice' and the desire to pass on his experience to the next generation of entrepreneurs.


The Year of the Plane part 3: Productivity through connectivity

In his third of a series of blog posts about his life as an international business leader, Ben Hutt, CEO of digital recruitment marketplace Talent Party, shares the routines he has developed to help maintain connectivity and communication while he is on the road.


Q&A: Serge Taborin, CEO, Q App

Read tips on preparing for a funding round from an entrepreneur currently going through the process


AIM-listed tech CEO salaries grow, but still lag behind other sectors

Grant Thornton report identifies the prevailing pay gap between technology and other sectors 


AIM CEOs see wage growth below national average

The median basic salary for a CEO of a business listed on London's Alternative Investment Market now stands at £202,000, according to new statistics.


Blackberry's Gerard Grech takes over from Joanna Shields as Tech City CEO

Former head of Europe for Facebook Joanna Shields has stepped down as CEO of Tech City UK but will continue to serve as chairman.

Growth Planning

What makes a successful CEO?

To find out what characteristics contribute to a world-class CEO, GrowthBusiness visited the CEO Summit and posed the question to select members of the new CEO 100 Club.


The art of growing a family run professional services firm

Growing any business is rarely a walk in the park, but coming in as an outsider to grow a 35-year old, family-run legal services firm is even harder still.


Lack of CEO emphasis on innovation and workforce development potentially ‘dangerous’

UK CEOs are lagging behind when it comes to focusing on innovation rather than customer relations, a new study suggests.

Financial Management

Number of seven-figure AIM salaries reaches pre-crisis level

The Alternative Investment Market now has 24 CEOs who earn more than £1 million.


CEO pay on AIM hits all-time high

Chief executive pay on the Alternative Investment Market (AIM) has broken the £200,000 threshold for the first time, with median pay at £200,352 compared to £190,300 the previous year.