The value of private equity deals across the EU soared to €3.3 billion (£2.8bn ) in April, compared to €847 million for the same month last year.
The value of private equity deals across the EU soared to €3.3 billion (£2.8bn ) in April, compared to 847 million for the same month last year.
According to research firm Zephyr, the most important EU region was the UK, with 334 deals, which accounted for 29 per cent of the month’s total of 1,153 deals – more than double the 134 transactions recorded for second-placed Germany.
The largest private equity deal by value was Advent International’s €576 million institutional buyout of the UK furniture retailer DFS. This was closely followed by Oak Hill Capital Partners, CVC Capital Partners and Cinven Group investing €552 million in the Irish aircraft leasing business Avolon.
By contrast, there were six M&A deals worth more than €1 billion in April, but total deal value for the month was at a new low in 2010 of €28.1 billion, while deal volume was down 31 per cent year-on-year to 1,153 deals.