More choice for company car drivers

An increasing number of fleet managers are giving their drivers an unrestricted choice of manufacturer for their company car.

An increasing number of fleet managers are giving their drivers an unrestricted choice of manufacturer for their company car.

An increasing number of fleet managers are giving their drivers an unrestricted choice of manufacturer for their company car.

Some 40 per cent of fleet managers now offer this freedom of choice, compared to 31 per cent in the first quarter of this year, according to a report from GE Capital.

A similar number (42 per cent) believe that company cars are an important tool in recruiting and retaining employees, compared to 33 per cent three months ago.

More fleet managers consider the position of an employee when deciding who is eligible for a vehicle, the research also finds. Some 59 per cent of respondents view employee status as a factor in their decision, up from 56 per cent.

The findings were based on a survey of more than 300 fleet operators.

Nick Britton

Nick Britton

Nick was the Managing Editor for when it was owned by Vitesse Media, before moving on to become Head of Investment Group and Editor at What Investment and thence to Head of Intermediary...

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