

The virtual keyboard

First featured on US crime series CSI: Miami, this keyboard with no keys is now available to purchase.



Copenhagen Summit: a power failure?

Expectations were high for the Copenhagen Summit, but very little was achieved. We ask the winners of last year's Rosenblatt New Energy Awards what went wrong.


Google Wave

The latest open-source project to come out of Google, Google Wave promises a new concept in personal communication and collaboration.


Too hot to handle

Here we look at four must-have gadgets for the tech-loving entrepreneur – and one you can probably do without


A wealth of options

Share options can be a tax-efficient way to retain and motivate key staff


No train, no gain 

Give some additional power to your people


The business workplace of the future

While the 19th century had the factory, the 20th century became notorious for the office. Kathleen Hall takes a look at how the workplace is set to change as we advance deeper into the 21st century.


Green shoots or wishful thinking?

Dealmakers discuss the supposed economic upturn 


The business workplace of the future

While the 19th century had the factory, the 20th century became notorious for the office. Kathleen Hall takes a look at how the workplace is set to change as we advance deeper into the 21st century.


Green shoots or wishful thinking?

Dealmakers discuss the supposed economic upturn 


Could energy harvesting work?

The air around us is full of stray electromagnetic radiation, which scientists at the Nokia Research Centre are looking at ways to 'harvest' to power phones.


How to outsmart a smartphone

It seems that CEOs are perfectly justified in their paranoia about staff passing on vital information to the competition.


Virtual meetings – Video-conferencing has come into its own

Video-conferencing has come into its own for businesses of all shapes and sizes. We look at the pros and cons of scrapping face-to-face meetings.


Choosing eco-friendly vehicles as a fleet option

Eco-friendly vehicles are here to stay and there are plenty of fleet options for switched-on chief execs. Kathleen Hall reports.