

Do you need a business app?

The mobile app industry is one of the world's largest growth markets. How can your business go app-happy?



Three reasons you need a mobile site

Optimise your website to get the most out of mobile


Should you bring video production in-house?

Bringing the studio in-house can save at least half of your annual video production budget, but it may not be for everyone


Why every business needs an SSL certificate

Less secure sites can scare away a quarter of potential consumers. Here's how switchiing to an https prefix on your website can keep your users sessions secure.


Going global? You need a worldwide web manager

These days, ‘going global’ can be as simple as having an international web presence. But when companies have different teams scattered all over the world, localised websites are often built in a way that drains resources and lacks consistency


Legal tech: the next big thing

Apperio, a real-time legal fee tracking platform, just announced a successful second round of funding. GrowthBusiness speaks to the man at the helm on why legal tech, and why now


How to use VPN for remote working 

4.2 million UK adults regularly worked from home last year alone, highlighting the need for secure and stable IT policies when empowering a remote workforce.


Are we closer to a cashless future?

Infographic: here's what the future of payments will look like.


How to use VPN for remote working 

4.2 million UK adults regularly worked from home last year alone, highlighting the need for secure and stable IT policies when empowering a remote workforce.


Are we closer to a cashless future?

Infographic: here's what the future of payments will look like.


UK wearables market second in Europe

Western European consumers will buy 24.5 million connected fitness trackers and 20.8 million smart watches in the next four years.


Why Wi-Fi is the new growth driver for start-ups

How a start-up lab in Reading is building the next generation of super brands through fast, secure Wi-Fi.


SEO and beyond: What to consider when choosing a domain name

Keeping up to date with changes to Google rankings and other key considerations can go a long way to determining the success of your business online.


Raft of tech companies breaking out from ‘hotbed of innovation’ New Zealand

It's not just the 15 warriors of the All Blacks that are putting New Zealand on the map these days: a refreshing approach to business and an ability to innovate means the country’s tech scene is also punching above its weight