

Google: Why building on an environmentally responsible cloud matters

Here's why Google is investing in sustainability, particularly when it comes to building an environmentally responsible data centres.



Game of Drones: Which industry will take the throne?

The drone industry is predicted to boom into a $100 billion market, and by 2030, over one billion drones could be flying through cities. Which industry will make the most out of this technology?


9 best practices for branding your small business with a domain name

Your website domain name is more important that you think. Here, James Cummings outlines the 9 things to consider when registering your website.


Aviva’s Wealthify deal: Is the UK ready for a robo-acquisition race?

Will Aviva's acquisition of Wealthify signal the start of an M&A drive for robo advice?


How restaurants can use augmented reality to cash in

New research from McGill University reveals that augmented reality apps increase the profits of restaurants in gaming hotspots.


Creating personalised consumer experiences with GDPR

Modern consumers are not shy about handing over personal information to businesses, says Visualsoft CMO, David Duke.


The capital conundrum: Michael Tomlins of Infomedia on tech outside London

Michael Tomlins, CEO of Infomedia, discusses the process of managing a tech business outside London and the impact that DCB is having on m-commerce.


Can robots feel? Researchers are working on it

Researchers from Université Paris-Saclay are pioneering a new approach in robotics, teaching robots how to show personality and emotion through touch and other senses. What does this mean for the role of automation and AI in the corporate world?


The capital conundrum: Michael Tomlins of Infomedia on tech outside London

Michael Tomlins, CEO of Infomedia, discusses the process of managing a tech business outside London and the impact that DCB is having on m-commerce.


Can robots feel? Researchers are working on it

Researchers from Université Paris-Saclay are pioneering a new approach in robotics, teaching robots how to show personality and emotion through touch and other senses. What does this mean for the role of automation and AI in the corporate world?


3 tools to help you expand your eCommerce business

We are living in a digital world, and today, more people than ever live their lives online.


Enabling the consumer: David Nunn on Amazon One-Click

After nearly twenty years, one of Amazon’s most controversial patents has expired, opening up a range of opportunities for e-commerce. David Nunn, head of Braintree Europe, discusses.


Is the UK fintech sector in trouble?

Financial technology firms across Britain are facing an uncertain future now that the Brexit-related realities are coming home to roost.


Yumpingo works with Jamie’s Italian to develop a data-driven menu

Food intelligence platform Yumpingo works with Jamie's Italian to develop a data-driven menu.