
Human Resources

Is domestic violence a workplace issue?

Effective responses in the workplace to domestic abuse is still lacking, as a significant number of HR managers and senior leaders see this as a personal issue.

Human Resources

Human Resources

Creating a healthy workstation: Ergonomics at work

Here are ten ways to manage the way you sit, type and work through simple ergonomics.

Human Resources

‘Six Weeks Support’: Why self-employed mums deserve equal maternity pay

The 'Six Weeks Support' campaign asks the government to give self-employed new mums the same financial support that employed new mums receive; support that could have avoided over half of self-employed mums suffering from mental health issues. Here's why.

Human Resources

How personality assessment and big data have evolved as a HR tool

Businesses need to keep up with efficiency trends to stay alive and HR is no different. We take a look at the trends of the last 30 years.

Human Resources

What is an agile working environment and how can it help you?

With higher expectations on employers to offer better benefits for workers, we take a look at how agile working can boost your business.

Human Resources

RESEARCH: How to be a CEO in three steps

For those who'd like to be CEO, it turns out that the most traditional route is best. This is according to research into leadership routes from a B-school.

Human Resources

How to keep staff engaged and loyal to your business

JourneyHR's Aliya Vigor-Robertson highlights how to keep your employees engaged and loyal to your business.

Human Resources

4 ways to avoid workplace discrimination

Workplace discrimination can harm employees in any organisation, regardless of its size. Here are four ways to avoid potentially discriminatory behaviours.

Human Resources

How to keep staff engaged and loyal to your business

JourneyHR's Aliya Vigor-Robertson highlights how to keep your employees engaged and loyal to your business.

Human Resources

4 ways to avoid workplace discrimination

Workplace discrimination can harm employees in any organisation, regardless of its size. Here are four ways to avoid potentially discriminatory behaviours.

Human Resources

Unconscious bias: A third of UK’s hiring managers lack training

Unconscious biases are one of the biggest diversity barriers in the corporate world, yet new research reveals that 39 per cent of UK hiring managers have not received training in unconscious bias best-practice as part of the recruitment process in their current company.

Human Resources

Personal development in small business

Can employees in small businesses benefit from personal development, too? Speakers Corner's Nick Gold explains.

Human Resources

Banking after Brexit: Which European city could knock London off the map?

New research shows that for bankers, European cities all trail behind London when it comes to pay, but Frankfurt, Paris and Milan may be more attractive post-Brexit.

Human Resources

“TripAdvisor for the workplace”: How InHerSight addresses sexual harassment

In his new book on innovations, James Bidwell covers talks about InHerSight, a website that lets employees anonymously review any companies’ treatment of women at work.