
Human Resources

Handling CFO departures 

Christopher Hitchins, partner in the employment law team at law firm Lewis Silkin, looks at CFO resignations and their implications.

Human Resources

Human Resources

Making pay between assignments work

The ‘pay between assignments’ section of the Agency Workers Regulations is controversial. Employment adviser Rehan Pasha has the lowdown.

Human Resources

Keeping staff on track

Technology can help you monitor staff, but how much tracking is healthy? GrowthBusiness reports on keeping productively on track without compromising output.

Human Resources

Hiring through video

Businesses are speeding up the recruitment process by turning to video-conferencing when hiring new employees.

Human Resources

Insuring your key people

Does your business have a Steve Jobs? How to limit the risks of being reliant on one 'key person'.

Human Resources

Preparing for changes to pensions

Companies need to get ready for the new pensions rules. GrowthBusiness outlines the changes due to come in next year.

Human Resources

Office space to cyberspace

Businesses and their employees have much to gain from operating flexible working options. GrowthBusiness reports on the companies which have moved from office space to cyberspace.

Human Resources

Sickness absence cost UK economy £17bn

The UK economy lost 190 million working days to absence last year, with employees taking an average of 6.5 days off sick.

Human Resources

Office space to cyberspace

Businesses and their employees have much to gain from operating flexible working options. GrowthBusiness reports on the companies which have moved from office space to cyberspace.

Human Resources

Sickness absence cost UK economy £17bn

The UK economy lost 190 million working days to absence last year, with employees taking an average of 6.5 days off sick.

Human Resources

Adding management muscle

While experienced corporate types can be a benefit, they can equally be like fish out of water in an entrepreneurial business.

Human Resources

Mobilise your workforce

Modern technology has allowed business owners and entrepreneurs to work without physically being at the office. GrowthBusiness examines how to keep your workforce nimble-footed.

Human Resources

Recruiting key non-EU staff

The UK's constantly changing migrant rules not only affect highly skilled job seekers, but also business recruitment efforts.

Human Resources

SMEs to avoid hiring from public sector

Former public sector workers face an uphill battle to gain employment at SMEs, because most are unlikely to recruit civil servants.