
Human Resources

How to maintain your company brand when your staff is self-employed

With disruptive working practices evolving the workplace faster than ever before, self-employment is on the rise: but if your workforce isn't on your payroll how can you ensure your brand stays strong? AJ Forsythe of iCracked advises.

Human Resources

Human Resources

A fiver for your thoughts: Why education is a business matter

Education and business do not always have the easiest relationship: but taking just a little more notice of education can bring real benefits for the business world.

Human Resources

Getting things done: Three action models to increase productivity

How can you build a model for effectively prioritising actions and making the most efficient use of your time? This exclusive extract from David Allen's book 'Getting Things Done' should help.

Human Resources

Using social recruitment in an employees’ market

The economic upturn means that the recruitment market is starting to favour employees over employers: in this climate how can businesses stand out using social recruitment?

Human Resources

From cash rewards to gamifying recognition: the top five HR myths

Many businesses pay lip service to HR without understanding it or using it effectively: so how can even the most nascent or companies sort the wheat from the chaff in terms of people issues?

Human Resources

Developing a business culture to survive and grow

Cashflow and corporate structure are always going to be huge in developing your business: but if you ignore culture are you at risk of leaving the continuity piece behind?

Human Resources

Who’s left holding the baby – A basic guide to Shared Parental Leave

Human Resources

Diamonds in the rough: Identifying and growing your rising stars

Is the concept of talent overrated? Here Lumesse HR director Steve Hewitt outlines a radical new approach to identifying the stars of the future.

Human Resources

Who’s left holding the baby – A basic guide to Shared Parental Leave

Human Resources

Diamonds in the rough: Identifying and growing your rising stars

Is the concept of talent overrated? Here Lumesse HR director Steve Hewitt outlines a radical new approach to identifying the stars of the future.

Human Resources

Public holidays and treating part-time employees fairly

Public holidays can be very tricky when trying to work out part-time and casual staff's wages fairly: so here is a quick guide to do some of the work for you.

Human Resources

Clegg: New Shared Parental Leave regulations ‘better for economy’

Deputy prime minister praises legislation, effective from 5 April, that gives new working parents more freedom to spilt leave evenly.

Human Resources

Growing your business through apprenticeships

Jason Holt CBE, apprenticeships ambassador and entrepreneur looks at how SMEs are hiring apprentices to boost growth

Human Resources

5 ways to make sure you’re heard in meetings

Meetings are a crucial part of starting and growing a successful business: so how can you make sure you are heard when making that big pitch?